Curriculum Statement
Our broad and balanced curriculum, combined with enriching experiences, enables pupils to graduate as rounded and grounded citizens and be ready for their next adventure.
A progressive and interwoven curriculum is designed to embed the knowledge, skills, understanding and mindset required to be successful in tomorrow’s world.
Mission statement
At SEJ, we provide the opportunity for every child to be the best version of themselves in a safe and nurturing environment. We respect and celebrate differences whilst upholding high expectations for all. Through our six core values, we aim to inspire our pupils, families, staff and governors to be role models in our community.
British Values
Our curriculum will give our children the opportunity to develop their representation of the British Values:
- Tolerance and respect – To respect and tolerate the opinions or behaviour of others
- Individual liberty – Be free to express views or ideas
- Rule of law – Learn that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable for their actions and behaviour
- Democracy – Be part of a system where everyone plays an equal part.
Our curriculum will be taught through a pedagogy that:
- excites, promotes and sustains children’s interest
- promotes problem solving, creativity and communication
- enables and fosters children’s natural curiosity
- offers all children a memorable experience at the start of every topic
- promotes innovation and entrepreneurialism
- enables children to reflect on and evaluate their learning
We will enrich our curriculum by:
- providing on and off-site subject or topic-related activities
- developing partnerships with external providers that extend children’s opportunities for learning
- welcoming parents and carers to take part in children’s learning and experiences
Our curriculum overview
At South End Junior School we provide an interwoven, creative curriculum. Here are our awe-inspiring projects for the year: